Hydrotherapy for Dogs - Safety Measures You Need to Take

by Helga Schmitt

All patients attending hydrotherapy should have a veterinary clearance before doing so. Not all dogs are suitable candidates and there are a host of factors to consider. The treating veterinarian will do an assessment as well as the hydro-therapist.

Certain information will need to be known about your dog. The hydro-therapist will most likely ask the following questions:

Last vaccination date?

Your dog's level of fitness or exercise?

Has the dog ever swum before and if so where?

Any incontinence or ear problems?

Did you toilet them prior to your arrival?

When they were last fed?

Have you been to the vet for a clearance to perform hydrotherapy?

The many factors to consider apart from their current medical or physical condition are the dog's temperament, and past good or bad experiences with swimming. How well they do with it and their degree of anxiety depends on their past experience and the experience of the handler now attempting to swim them.

An adjustment takes place initially, however, most animals become familiar with the routine after the first few visits. The equipment and bouyancy vests along with the staff, help to eliminate any nervousness with the first few visits. The duration of the first few sessions will help with this overall.

Before allowing the dog into the pool, there is a number of things the hydro-therapist will check for. The following are some: any problems with their ears, any open or weeping sores, torn or bleeding nails, heart and respiratory rate in a resting state, and any possible skin condition.

For any of the following conditions hydrotherapy is contraindicated:

Open wounds

Infections at the surface

External skeletal fixators

If the canine has diarrhoea or incontinence

Vomiting issues

Having a contagious disease like parvovirus, ringworm, mange or kennel cough

Various spinal conditions

Dysfunctions of the respiratory and cardiac processes

Any canine who has Epilepsy seizures one week prior to hydrotherapy

Any condition that comprimises blood supply to the peripheral areas

Water phobia which will cause extreme panic conditions

Vestibular Syndrome in dogs

Any animal participating in hydrotherapy should never be left unattended. Despite the safe appearance of dog pools and underwater treadmills, no dog should ever be left unattended in them. It is very dangerous to leave animals unattended in a treadmill or dog pool and all animals need to be caretaked while in them.

The following dogs need to be cautious when participating in hydrotherapy:

Dogs that are obese

Dogs that have a heart murmur

Dogs that are from the Brachycephalic breeds; Bulldog, Boxer, Pug, Shih Tzu, Pekinese. These breeds have small nasel openings and it limits the amount of airflow. They tend to overheat from this and need to work much harder when exercising.

Laryngeal collapse can be caused from an enlongated soft palate. This tissue closes off the airway when it is enlongated and obstructs the airway.

A canine with Cushing's or Addison's disease

Any dog with Diabetes

Laryngeal paralysis (a canine with reduced heat tolerance and noisy breathing)

Spinal injuries

Very hot days or possible heatstroke

Forelimb lameness that is undiagnosed

Canines with great laxity of joints or hyperextension injuries

A treatment plan or programme needs to be written and discussed with the owner. The goals of the treatment and the expected time frames for improvement also need to be discussed. The goals can be anything from just being able to walk again, to returning to agility or hunting and retrieving sports. Whatever the reason is for attending a dog pool, canine hydrotherapy is the best choice for rehabilitating and conditioning dogs prior to surgery, post surgery, or from an injury.

About the Author:

Helga Schmitt has been passionately studying and researching dog health, physiotherapy and rehabilitation hands on for the past 20 years. She is a Registered Canine Hydrotherapist, Chartered Herbalist, Holistic Nutritionist, and has a Certificate in Homeopathy. She provides dog owners about complementary health choices. Get a free Older Dog Tips Guide, and read more on Hydrotherapy for Dogs at Health-for-dogs.com.

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